Sparking! ZERO Wiki

Goku (Z-End) is a playable fighter in Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO returning from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3, where he was called "Goku (End)". It refers to adult Son Goku as he appears during the final chapters of the Dragon Ball Z anime.

He was officially confirmed as a playable character during the "Goku VS Vegeta - Rivals Trailer" released on January 28th 2024, but wasn't properly shown off until the "Majin Buu Saga Character Trailer" released on September 6th, 2024.


Special Moves:[]

Blast 1 Skills
Skill name: Skill Count cost: Skill Type:
Primary Instant Transmission 2 Warp
Secondary Wild Sense 2 Counter
Blast 2 Attacks
Attack name: Ki cost: Attack type:
Primary Kamehameha 30000 Beam (Chargeable)
Secondary Meteor Smash 30000 Rush
Ultimate Blast Super Spirit Bomb 50000

(Requires Sparking Mode)

Shot (Unblockable)

Transformations & Fusions:[]


Skill Count cost: 1 2 3


Skill Count cost: 3 4 4
Fusion partner:


Character/Team Select screen
"I'll give it everything I've got!"
"Hm? We good to go, then?"
"Woah! How many different versions of me are there?!"
"You ever wonder...what training in Other World is like?" Generic (Neutral)
"Whaddya say? Wanna have a go?"
"Okay, let's go!"
"Hurry up already! I'm getting sick and tired of waiting!" Generic (Friendly)
"Hehehehe! Check out how strong I've gotten!"
"Okay, let's get started!"
"You won't get away!" Generic (Foes)
"You're gonna pay for what you've done! Get ready!"
"Anything I can do, you can do. Wait, um... Is that how it goes?"

"I don't get what's goin' on here, but this oughta be a reeeal interesting fight!"
"It's you and me, Vegeta! I'm ready!"

"I know you've got the skill to be a great warrior. Gohan, fight me and show what you can really do."
"Okay, this is it, Gohan! Now, show me how much you've learned from our training. Come on!"
"Gohan! Just look at you now! Let's have a quick fight!"

"Who woulda thought you had this much untapped potential...? Okay, why don't you try and beat me like this!"
"Gohan... This version of you I never got to see grow up... I just feel awful for what you went through."
"Piccolo, you wanna train with me for a bit? And no need to hold back!"
"Ehehe! Getting to fight you again like this is actually kind of nostalgic, right Krillin?"
"Hey, Yamcha... You been keeping up with your training much lately? Let me help you shake off the rust a little!"
"I bet you learned a whole bunch of cool new techniques, Tien Shinhan! Whaddya say? Care to try them out on me? It'll be fun!"
"Yeah... With everything you told me, I'll fight to save our future."

"Oh! Sure thing! What'd you wanna play?"
"Just try not to mess up your back, okay old timer? Hehe!"
"Guess we'll never know 'till we try!"
"Well, I'm here."
"Stay on your guard, you guys! These little freaks are incredibly strong."
"You're impatient, huh? Good thing I planned for this."
"You really like to make yourself seem stronger than you are, huh?"
"You've got no honor, stealing other people's power!"
"Whaddya say we get this started? I wanna see what you can really do!"
"Psychic power... Hmm... Gotta remember how Krillin managed to beat you before."
"Yajirobe! Do you wanna spar with me for a little bit?"
"Come at me and don't hold back!"
"My name is Goku, and I'm from Earth!"
"You're not a very cheery fella, are you?"
"All right, then. Let's get goin' already. You better give me all you've got right from the start."
"For everything you've done, I'm gonna turn you into scrap!"
"Hey! You better knock it off! You've hurt way too many innocent people!"
"I'm not Kakarot! My name is Goku, and I'm from Earth!"

"You're seriously Frieza's brother?!"
"Don't blame me when I break you apart!"
"Gimme a break... Just how many androids did that Dr. Gero guy make?!"
"King Kai told me all about you. That you're really evil and really strong."
"Is this guy reading my every move...?"
"All right! Want to have an eating competition? I'm starving!"
"I'm strong enough to lift you up with just one hand!"
Sonic Sway/Revenge Counter "Heh heh heh!"
Sparking Mode "All right, let's go!"
"Get ready to see my real strenght!"
Wild Sense "Over here!"
Kamehameha "Kamehame...!"
Meteor Smash "You'll... You'll regret that!"
"Haaahh... RAAAGH!"
Super Spirit Bomb "Lend me your energy!"
"It's ready!"
"You were incredible. Let's rematch someday."
"See ya 'round!"
"You sure talk tough, but you could use more training." Generic (Neutral)
"Whew! Maybe I still need to train some more..." Generic (Friendly)
"Give up your evil ways! And for your sake, I hope we never meet again." Generic (Foe)
"You've grown so much, Gohan. And I've never been prouder of you!"

"Oh man... I really wanted Gohan to take you down."
"You're an incredible warrior. It was you against the universe, and you nearly won."
"This guy's ability to absorb energy... It's a real pain to deal with!"
"Hehe! I think your notes are outdated. Maybe you should've done some better research."
"Would you calm down?! You've done more than enough damage."


Base Form Goku's animations & attacks take inspiration from his appearance in the Buu Saga, such as his battles against one of Babidi's minions, Yakon, and his efforts to put a stop to Super Buu and Kid Buu.

Though in some anime only scenes, this Goku fought in his base form while training with Gohan in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber during the Cell Saga.



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