What do I have to keep in mind if I wanna create a page? Should I ask someone first?
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And Merry Christmas to you all! (If you celebrate it), and thank you for helping make this wiki better everyday! Hope you guys have a wonderful time :)
What is sparking mode
What is after image strike
How does insta sparking effect meta
What is z counter
Before I forget, I want to be transparent about this: the footage I've been using to make the animated gifs comes from the YouTube channel CJR Gaming, link below:
Just for the record, whenever a patch is announced and things get changed; wether it's buffs, nerfs or just general changes, we should only start updating pages around the wiki once the update is live and out for everyone to play.
I split the Buu Saga category into Babidi Saga and Buu Saga characters, so any character that debuted before Majin Buu was set free should be on the Babidi Saga category; don't change it please, unless you actually plan to do all the work to consolidate the two categories and all their contents into one again, if not then leave them as they are.
Hello everyone! The wiki has grown a lot in these past few weeks, and we're very grateful to all the people who are contributing, and continue to help with the page.
However I have to ask to anyone that reads this; we have some pages that are still missing, and pages that are missing proper descriptions and have incomplete sections, so I have a few requests:
We need someone to write pages dedicated for Blast 2 super attacks and ultimate moves; we already have almost had every Blast 1 skill pages made thanks to the hard work of @SupSpooks , but we only have a few pages for Supers. If you need a template or a page to use as a guide, Meteor Smash is a good example of a complete Super page with multiple users, while Kaioken Rush is a better example of a Super that's exclusive to a single character.
Dedicated pages to explain certain mechanics and game systems, such as Revenge Counter, Skill Counts, and one that's been linked to in many articles, Sparking Mode.
Dedicated pages explaining every game mode available in the game, such as Encyclopedia, Custom Battle, Tournament Mode and Episode Battle.
This one is especially important to me, because it always bothered me that many wikis dedicated to fighting games have very lackluster information about stages.
This one is the lowest priority tbh, but having a list of the songs from the game's soundtrack, and maybe some information about who composed each song and where they're used. HOWEVER, it's important to not include the tracks on the wiki; I don't know this for sure, but apparently Fandom has a copywright system and including full music tracks could get the wiki in trouble, so... don't.
Lastly, but arguably most important, we need someone to give each character a proper, short description at the start, and a fully fleshed out Origins section near the end of the page.
Don't force yourself to write a page if you're not confident in your writting skills or the accuracy of the information you're putting up; leave it to someone else and help some other way, like cleaning up grammar mistakes and wrong information, as well as adding category tags if you see appropriate
I'm personally using my free time to add more fancy buttons to certain pages, and creating a new Quotes section for each character, and that's gonna take me a long while, so I would personally greatly appreciate it if these other issues slowly get more work done. Thanks in advance!
On The 21st Nov 2024 at 7:22 PM, I have officially finished writing the rest of the blast skill definition all because of a Discord message in the SZ discord wishing that this info was easier to find than having to take the time to go into training mode, select the character to look a check a sentence long definition, it's not pretty but I made sure to get the import bits you'd have to go out of your way to find again thanks @RekoTheTiger for all their hard work before I came and in the making as well continue to make my info short and sweet for others to read.
@SupSpooks has been doing a great job on writting pages for all the Blast 1 skills and about all they do, and I've been cleaning them up a little, adding all the visual prettying stuff, but something's been bothering me.
I've been looking into all the stat boost icons and what they mean, the problem is that there is no visual signifier for any boosts to speed increases of any kind (movement speed, attack speed, jump distance, etc.), as well as no indicators to any "consecutive hit" boosts, and unfortunately that means I've been deleting them off from SupSpooks's entries just in case they're not accurate.
If anyone has a realiable source where they can pull the exact way these buffs work, we'll greatly appreciate it.
guess its time for me to pick up the slack for you guys, i'll do my best to help out
I've seen a few new people starting to contribute to the wiki, thanks guys! I've been busy with other stuff, and I'm still working on updating some icons, so I appreciate the new written additions!
I really need to see someone make a page filled with special interactions for each character. So I don't have to keep looking on YouTube! If anyone could do that, I'd be eternally grateful!